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I am excited to share these scoliosis specific exercise videos that will help you with your daily workout routine. Designed for individuals with scoliosis or hyperkyphosis, you will have access to my step-by-step demonstrations of the exercises and video classes to lead you through your daily workouts. These videos and Routines are only for Schroth therapists and their trained patients. If you have not been trained yet you are welcome to contact me and I can teach you the exercises.
Videos include:
1) Step-by-step demonstrations of each exercise. In a series of separate videos, I explain and demonstrate the key exercises, including: Full-Hanging series, Semi-Hanging series, 50 Pair, Prone on Knees, Supine, Side-Lying, Prone on Stool, Sitting, Standing, Theraband Pull Out, Schroth Walk and more.
2) Daily Exercise Routines. I lead you through your daily workouts in a wide selection of videos, including routines focusing on standing, full-hanging and semi-hanging positions (20 to 30 minutes each) and scoliosis specific exercise mat classes (30 to 45 minutes each). Workouts are adapted for those of you with wall bar units or, alternatively, those using a door and door anchor. I will be continuously updating these routines to keep your workouts fresh.
3) Pilates and Scoliosis Specific Exercises Routines. Strengthen and align your bodies by following along with these stabilization exercises.